Sunday, February 7, 2016

Things I'm in Love with Right Now

Hello, again!

Here are some things I’ve been absolutely in love with recently!

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Earl Grey and my London Mug
- I recently discovered Starbucks’s London Fog lattΓ©, which is essentially Earl Grey with steamed milk and a few pumps of vanilla. It’s actually to die for. I’m absolutely obsessed. I’ve started making earl grey every morning (sometimes two cups) with just a touch of soy milk, and it’s my new favorite. It’s a great way to get a caffeine boost without overloading my system. 

- Sean bought me this mug from Anthropologie for Christmas, and it has become my new favorite item. Covered in illustrated sights and foods of London, this little mug is inspiration and reminder of my goals every single morning. It’s also the exact perfect shape to warm my hands up as I drink. I just absolutely love it.

Yoga with Adriene
- I’ve been feeling incredibly confident in my weight recently. I even went out a bought a few little body con dresses, which is incredibly unlike me. That being said, I’ve been looking to tone up my muscles, making my frame, arms, and legs appear just a tiny bit more slender. So, I decided to pick up yoga again. I bought a fabulous pink mat from Target, and I searched for yoga lessons on YouTube. That’s when I came across Yoga with Adriene. I’ve just started her 30 Day Yoga Challenge, which I definitely recommend for anyone looking to ease their way back into yoga. She has the perfect balance of goofiness and determination, and she definitely encourages me to push my boundaries and stretch out those weak muscles. 

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Harry Styles
- I know what you’re thinking, I’m always in love with Harry Styles, and this is incredibly accurate. His 22nd birthday was this week, and I thought I’d celebrate by dressing up in a flowy pajama top and skinny jeans over some black booties. Harry has been a styling inspiration of mine for years now, and I think he really should be an icon for all of us. I mean it, if we could all feel half as confident rocking the Ace Ventura look, we should!

The X-Files
- As you all probably know, in December and the beginning of January, I binge-watched every season of The X-Files on Netflix. What started out as a mild interest developed into an obsession, and Mulder and Scully are definitely my OTP. I just love the dynamic of love and friendship between the two characters, and the writing has definitely inspired characters of my own. Last week, Fox released a new 6 episode mini-season of the hit show, and though they aren’t as great as the originals, it’s fun to watch the older versions of the characters I know and love! I’m three episodes in, but I’m looking forward to what monsters the next three episodes have to offer!

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My Notebook
- Another amazing Christmas present from Sean (he’s hit it out of the park this year!), I got this beautiful leather-bound notebook. It’s the absolute perfect size to carry around with me everywhere I go, but not too small to comfortably write in. Every single day, I fill a page with to-do lists and blog post ideas. I have pages full of travel goals and career goals. It’s just the perfect outlet for my creativity, and I have no idea what I’d be doing without it.

- Every night before I go to bed and every morning when I wake up, I get on my phone and open the BlogLovin’ app. This app has provided so much inspiration and insight to the blogging world, and I’m incredibly thankful I stumbled across it. My absolute favorite blog at the moment is Career Girl Daily, and I always read their blog posts first before stumbling onto the “Explore” page and looking at the most popular categorized blog posts for the day.

What have you been loving lately? Anything I should check out? Let me know in the comments below!


-Amanda Jean

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